Friday, June 16, 2017

June 7 (Part 1 of 2) - Horseshoe Bend of the Colorado River

Last week, Susan and I did a 2-fer to Page, Arizona.  The first stop was Horseshoe Bend, part of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.  The second part was Antelope Canyon on the Navajo Indian Reservation.  I'll post those pics after this.

Horseshoe Bend is a place I've seen in pictures for years...and I'll bet you have too!  It is a 270 degree curve in the Colorado River, 5 miles down river from Glen Canyon Dam.  That dam has certainly changed the Colorado River, taming the fearsome rapids, sending cooler water which impacted fish species, and removing the reddish silt that gave the river its name ... sending the cold, green water we see below downstream instead.

Horseshoe Bend is a 1000 foot overlook.  No railings.  Quite intimidating as you reach the edge and peer over and down into the chasm below. That is one of the big rubber rafts (about 25 feet long) at the bottom of these pictures.

No railings anywhere along this overlook.  Susan was fearless as she approached the edge below.

People peering over the edge.

There were several big rubber rafts getting ready to push off from the shoreline and head down river through the Grand Canyon.  These 2 pictures give some perspective about the size of the rafts and how big and deep Horseshoe Bend is.

 Incredible erosion along the river, scouring out those arcs and (maybe someday) arches.

Long, dry, hot walk out to Horseshoe Bend.  Only 3/4ths mile one way, but sooooo worth it. 

When we started the car, this was the outside thermometer reading. 

Back in the Canyon, earlier this week, we had overnight lows in the 30s.  However, summer is back with a vengeance over the weekend. Highs around 90; hot and dry.  Phoenix is predicting 120 degrees this weekend.  Our new swamp cooler will be working overtime for sure!

Next up - Antelope Canyon.

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