Sunday, July 2, 2017

July 2 - Fourth of July Weekend and "people" have arrived

Until today (Sunday), my fellow drivers have been saying "just wait."  Just wait for the traffic to get thick and difficult to maneuver around.  First it was Memorial Day; nothing.  Then it was "wait till the California schools get out in mid-June;" nothing.  Finally today, traffic was somewhat like Yellowstone was last summer.  Drivers sitting in line, waiting for a parking place.  The Visitor Center parking lots were all full and drivers were on the main road waiting to turn in...only to be turned away by a ranger.  But even with that, nothing like the driving in Yellowstone last summer.  I have been able to get my bus in and out of every place I needed to go.

Unfortunately, statistics show that people only spend about 3 1/2 hours at the Grand Canyon.  Too bad.  I believe the best time at the Canyon is sunset.  I've done quite a number of sunset tours and the colors just come alive.

And there are artists that come out to capture the special colors at sunset as well.  I asked this artist if I could take his picture as he moved this special sunset from canyon wall to paper.  He was working very fast to capture the colors that he saw.  Fascinating to see an artist at work like this.

And these are some of the scenes that I saw.  

And I loved creating this next sequence of pictures.  Notice the perfect shadow of the butte below on the wall behind.  Then I noticed a huge block of sandstone had calved from the rest of the butte.  As many times as I had been out there, I had not noticed that before.  This Canyon saves scenes, and then reveals them at just the right time.  Sublime nature.  

Good night, Grand Canyon.

On our days off last week, Susan and I went to Phoenix to visit Christy's family.  Frankly, it was like a vacation.  We needed to get away. But it was blazing hot down there; 113 degrees every day.  When we got there about 9:30 on Monday night, I took Gordon (their golden) for a quick walk around the block.  The sun had been down for about 2 hours by then.  But when I stepped outside, I could hardly breathe.  Still, so hot.  Swam in their pool and had a great time in the air conditioning.  I'm not too good with selfies, but this was a fun grandson picture.  

Hope you have a wonderful July 4th holiday.  

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