Tuesday, September 5, 2017

August 22-23 - Life list item accomplished - Bright Angel Trail hike out to Plateau Point

I see Plateau Point almost every day and it has had my interest for many years.  On my bus tour, I typically stop at a place called Trailview. There is a great overlook of the Bright Angel Trail and you can see 1 1/2 mile Resthouse, 3 mile Resthouse, on down to Indian Garden (where there is a campground), and then on out to Plateau Point. The hike is 4.5 miles down the Bright Angel Trail to Indian Garden, called that because there are springs which create a wonderful riparian area. Native Americans grew corn, beans, and squash there before being relocated after the national park was formed.

This is the view from Trailview, looking out across the expanse of Plateau Point. That ribbon of trail goes out to a point overlooking the Colorado River. As I say on my tour, "The trail looks like it dead ends out there? It does...800 feet above the Colorado River."

Driving up from Phoenix, my brother Eric joined me at the Bright Angel Trailhead on this hike below the Rim.

This is the Trailview overlook from below. As I say on my tours, there is an overlook with railing. but just to the right of that railing, there is no margin for error.

Bright Angel Trail, stairstepping down the sheer canyon wall.  

Great day to hike, and wonderful views as we descended 3300 feet into the Grand Canyon.  

Early the next morning, it was time to head out 1.5 miles to Plateau Point.  

No shade; no cover.  Desert for sure!  About 20 degrees warmer than the Rim.

Prickly pear cactus, just to remind us that we're in the desert.


Then we arrived at the end of the trail.  All this time, looking at Plateau Point...and I never knew there was a fence here. 

And a drinking fountain!

Our company used to offer one day mule rides out to Plateau Point, but no more.  I think that's why the water was there.  

From our perch at Plateau Point overlooking the Colorado River, 800 feet below. 
Rafters had spent the night on the river there.  

Great spot for breakfast.  

For folks headed down the Bright Angel Trail to the Colorado River and Phantom Ranch, they have to traverse another set of switchbacks (over Eric's shoulder) called the Devil's Corkscrew. It's as difficult as it sounds.

As we started back towards Indian Garden, a last look at the deep Inner Gorge and the muddy river. That is Salt Creek Rapid, a Class 8 on the Colorado.  (Only the Colorado Rivers uses a 1 to 10 rating system for the rapids.)  I zoomed in so you could see how ferocious these rapids are.

Starting the hike back to Indian Garden. Fully exposed to the sun; no shade. 

Back at Indian Garden for the afternoon, it's almost 100 degrees in the shade.

But springs like this gave Indian Garden it's name. 

This lizard had just had lunch. Hilarious action. There was a bug on the trail and the lizard had spotted it. He went about 10 feet in about 1 second, opened his red mouth, and gobbled that insect. Then ran back to this rock. The whole thing happened in less than 4 seconds. 

Back at camp, time to relax...stretch the leg muscles...catch up on some reading (and sleeping).

Not often you see Old Glory snagged on a Century Plant.  But that's what happened at the Indian Garden Ranger Station today. 

Next morning, early start up the 4.5 miles of the Bright Angel Trail.

We had breakfast here at 3 mile Resthouse.  My favorite sign is in the background - Down is Optional; Up is Mandatory.  Always gets a chuckle when I say that on my tour as we're overlooking Plateau Point.

From Indian Garden to 3 Mile Resthouse, there were 13 switchbacks as we gained 1100 feet in elevation.  That is the Bright Angel Fault in the background.

Then from 3 Mile Resthouse to 1 1/2 Mile Resthouse, there were 12 switchbacks as we gained another 1100 feet in elevation.  

And from 1 1/2 Mile Resthouse to the trailhead, there were another 13 switchbacks as we gained another 1100 feet in elevation. 

On this entire 4.5 mile section, there were 2 downhill sections, totaling about 15 feet. And one level spot, about 10 feet long. 
Bottom line - Bright Angel Trail from Indian Garden to the trailhead is all up hill!

Mission accomplished!  Plateau Point in the background.

Thanks Eric for joining me on this memorable hike.  

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