Monday, September 11, 2017

Sept 9 and 11 - Clouds and Sunrise

When most folks think about the Grand Canyon, they envision huge vistas and this immense chasm. And it is that. But the other day, we had rain come through in the morning which left remnants of clouds in the canyon.  This added a whole new dimension to the beauty of this place.   

Below is Cheops Temple with Sumner Peak in the background, engulfed by the clouds.  

This could be one of my favorite pictures. This is the view from Hopi Point across to the North Rim. The top layers of yellow limestone with redwall sandstone underneath, followed by the basement rock of black schist at the bottom. These are the stories I've been telling all summer long.

Then this morning, I had my first sunrise tour in awhile.  It was beautiful to get out on the Rim again and watch the light play across the colors of the Canyon.

The shadows created layer upon layer of vista.  

This feature is called The Alligator.  And the Colorado River is in the background.  

Hard to believe, but this Monday is our last day of work.  We'll be headed back through 2 national parks that have been on our life list for quite sometime - Canyonlands (where the Green River meets the Colorado River) and Arches (look at a Utah license plate). But before then, a couple more blogs should be coming.    

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