Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sept 12 and 13 - Revisit to Wupatki pueblo ruins and some airplanes

These dates were our last days off from our jobs here in the Grand Canyon.  Next week, we're going to visit Canyonlands and Arches National Parks, then to Boulder, CO to see friends there, then home. As Susan and I talked over dinner last night at El Tovar Hotel, we reminisced on our experiences here in the GC and our many, many friends all over the country. Thanks for being part of our lives and enriching us with your friendship.

Wupatki is just east of the Grand Canyon and north of Flagstaff.  The area is full of Indian Pueblos built between 800 and 1,000 years ago. As the Hopi changed from a hunter-gatherer culture to farming, they started building more permanent structures. The keyhole at the front entrance of the front entrance sign is indicative of the doors that they built into their pueblos.

Wupatki is located along Native American trading routes of northern Arizona, so many potsherds, different styles of spear tips, and other evidence of trading are found there. Example: the circular room below was used for commerce and trading.

However, the Hopi did still migrate from place to place, leaving these "permanent" structures behind. Archaeologists aren't sure exactly why they left: perhaps the farming land wore out; perhaps drought; perhaps other tribes stole their crops.  This pueblo is called the Citadel because it sits on top of a tall rise.  

Another great example of location, location, location - this pueblo sits on the edge of a box canyon. Easy to defend. Crops easily cultivated. Easy to store water in the canyon below.

These pics give you some idea of the size of the pueblos...

...and the quality of their construction.  This wall is probably about 800 years old. Amazing!

Just south of the Grand Canyon is a small town called Valle.  There is an airplane museum there called Planes of Fame. They are related to the museum of the same name in Chino, CA.

And they have some cool cars and trucks there as well.  Susan was particularly taken with this 2-tone Studebaker. Note the garnet and white steering wheel matches the exterior of the car!

We've had a great summer and so glad to share with you. We're headed home now and will be sharing some incredible pictures from Canyonlands and Arches National Parks in the coming days.

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