Friday, May 5, 2017

May 4 - Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Guadalupe Mountains National Park is a national park I had never even heard of. Guadalupe Peak is the highest point in Texas (8751') tucked in the far northwestern corner of the state, just underneath New Mexico.  To say it's remote is an understatement.  It's just down the road (55 miles or so) from Carlsbad, NM.  Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Park are related - what you see underground at Carlsbad Caverns you see above ground at Guadalupe 35 miles to the south.

Coincidentally, one of the principal features is El Capitan, similar (though smaller) than the El Cap in Yosemite.
We had a bit of a surprise in Carlsbad - a flat tire. Picked up a nail right through the center of the tread.  Fortunately it was an easy fix and we were on our way in a timely manner.

The hike up Guadalupe Peak is an 8.7 mile, strenuous hike and takes basically all day.  Since we weren't prepared for either and we were running late with the middle of the day heat, we chose to hike McKittrick Canyon instead.

It's quite a nice riparian area and leads to Pratt Cabin and the Grotto (below).  About 6.8 miles round trip; reasonably flat though rocky. Wallace Pratt had a summer cabin in McKittrick Canyon and donated the land that makes up GUMO (NPS shorthand for Guadalupe Mountains NP).

Spotted these yucca plants blooming along the trail.

Another gorgeous blue sky day.  We have been blessed with picture perfect weather.  

Tomorrow - White Sands National Monument
Blinding white sand dunes made of gypsum, so they are not hot at all!
And a missile test to boot.  What a place!

Keep on climbing!  Jordan  

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