Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 16 - Geology Training

The Grand Canyon is one of the 7 Wonders of the World*, and it’s all about geology.  So new hires get (2) 2 hour classes of a high level overview of geology (and what it means to the Grand Canyon).

This is looking from Yaki Point on the South Rim.  Different layers of sedimentary and metamorphic rock.  At the top, Kaibab Limestone ~ 270 million years old. And the black rock at the bottom of the Canyon is Vishnu Basement Rock ~ 1.6 billion years old. 

Colors are very bleached out; I hope to share better pics later. But you can see the layering.  This feature is called Isis Temple.

This is a close up of the Vishnu Basement Rock of the Inner Canyon. 

This is the Grand Canyon Lodge on the North Rim, about 12 miles away (as the raven flies). 

And Black Bridge as seen from Yavapai Point.  The bridge is over 400 feet long, crossing the Colorado River which is 300 feet wide (the width of a football field).  It's 75 feet above the river.

Shiva Temple on the left and Isis Temple on the right.  Many of the features in the Grand Canyon were named by Clarence Dutton.  He studied Middle East and Far East religions before becoming interested in geology.

The fun is just beginning!

We took a Sunset Tour out to Hermit's Rest on the far western section of Grand Canyon National Park.  Another Mary Jane Colter masterpiece.

* If you made it this far, you might be interested in the other 6 Wonders of the Natural World:
Mt. Everest
Victoria Falls
Harbor of Rio de Janeiro
Great Barrier Reef
Volcano in Mexico - Mt. Parcutin
Aurora Borealis

Have a great day!  Jordan  

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