Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 1 - On the Road Again

So Willie Nelson's On the Road Again should be running through your mind right now.  Susan and I chose that as our theme music this year.  And we're on the road to the Grand Canyon for our Summer 2017 jobs.  Same as last year; just a different address.  Wow, I couldn't be more wrong!  I'll be driving a 4 year old, automatic transmission bus instead of a 41 year old, 4 speed double clutching bus.  I'll still be providing tours and commentary. Susan will be in the Hopi House which sits behind El Tovar, right on the rim of the Grand Canyon.  We're very excited about these new opportunities in America's Best Idea...our National Parks.

On the road May 1st.  We're taking our bikes this year.  GC has a bikeway and it seems to be a practical way to get around.  We're expecting about 5 million visitors this year, so parking will be a problem.
Our first stop was with a friend of mine from Yellowstone 70 and 71.  Randy Smith and I have stayed in touch since those fun and memorable summers.  He is living in Jackson, MS, so it was "on the road" for us as we headed to Odessa, TX. Jackson to Odessa was a "stretch" day, but it set us up beautifully for a truly memorable experience in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM.
Couldn't miss a rib joint on the road either.  This is in Texas.  

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